How do you stop a nosebleed?

Asked by Teacher

on a course the other day a teacher asked how do you stop a nose bleed because at a recent event people had different ideas of what to do.

The Answer:

If someone is having a nose bleed, the position to put them in is with their head forward and pinch their nose infront of the bony part.  Hold this for 10 minutes and check for further bleeding.  If it persists you can try this up to 3 times.  If it still persists call an ambulance.  Look at the state of the casualty also, if they are really pale and dizzy call an ambulance a bit sooner.

Get the person to spit any blood out that may be in their mouth and be mindful it can run down the back of the throat during a nose bleed.

Avoid blowing or picking the nose afterwards and encourage the casualty to breathe through their mouth.