
Posted by Keri Hartwright
Last updated 5th March 2024
reading time

  • What happens if a child gets the virus?
    • What causes measles?

      Measles is caused by a virus that can spread very quickly between people.  It is easily spread through droplet infection (coughing and sneezing) and for many the virus will cause a bit of discomfort but nothing more.

      It can however affect an unvaccinated person for a few hours after someone carrying the virus  has been in the room.  It can  live on surface as well.  There is particular risk to those with poor immunity or who are pregnant.

      Following good hand hygiene and using tissues etc will reduce the risk of the virus spreading.  It is easily prevented through vaccination.

    • How will it affect my child?

      Someone who is infected with the virus can have a range of symptoms which in many will be mild. These include:

      •  a rash,
      • a fever,
      • watery or swollen eyes,
      • a high temperature
      • irritability
      • lethargy or a lack of energy

      There can however more serious symptoms, particularly if the person who catches it has a weak  immune system or is pregnant.  It can cause blindness, brain damage and death.

    • What do I do if someone catches it?

      Treat as you would for any other virus.  Give paracetamol (calpol) for comfort.  Keep them well hydrated and seek advice if they are struggling with their breathing or having fits related to their temperature.

    • Won't the vaccine cause autism?

      Deciding whether to vaccinate your child is a very personal decision and one that is worth doing your research on.  As to whether the vaccine will cause autism, there is no evidence to substantiate this claim

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Posted by Keri Hartwright
Last updated 5th March 2024
reading time

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