Calling an Ambulance – What you need to know?

Posted by Keri Hartwright
Last updated 20th April 2021
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    • What number should I use?

      When calling for help you can use one of 2 numbers:

      112 or 999.

      It is best to use 112 particularly when calling from a mobile phone as it will enable them to pinpoint your location.  With new technology they can now also use the video function on your phone to triage the casualty should they need to.

    • Tell them your exact location as clearly as you can

      This is a vital part of calling for help in an emergency.

      Being able to locate you is absolutely key to the speed with which they will arrive when you call an ambulance, any delay in finding you will see a potential deterioration in the condition of the casualty.

      New build properties can take time to show up on GPS devices which makes them hard to find for the emergency services, and you may find yourself in a location you are unfamiliar with if you are out for the day.

      What 3 words is an app that will give you 3 words that allow your location to be pinpointed within 3 metres.  This is used by 80% of Emergency Services.

    • What should I tell them?

      When calling for help be sure to share as much information as you think is relevant to the situation.

      This may include things such as underlying health conditions, any medication that has been taken that day, what they have eaten.

      If a situation changes you can always call back and update the call handlers, but it is best to give as much information as you can at the time and answer any questions they ask you

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