Bee and wasp stings – what to do?

Posted by Keri Hartwright
Last updated 18th July 2020
reading time

  • Bee and Wasp Stings What to do?

    Summer time is a great time to get outdoors.  July is national picnic month, but with picnics, BBQs and beer gardens comes insects and stings.

    Bee stings tend to get left in as the bee makes one last ditch attempt to protect itself, so how do you remove them?  If there is a sting sticking out of the skin, swipe across it with the edge of a credit card.  Removing it with tweezers will push the poison down into the skin.

    Once removed apply a cold compress for 10 minutes and elevate the area..  If it is in the mouth get the person to suck on an ice cube to reduce swelling to the tongue.

    Monitor for signs of an allergic reaction such as difficulty in breathing, tongue swelling and facial swelling.  Seek medical help immediately if you see these.

    Bee and Wasp Stings | Safety First Welling
  • When to seek help

    There can be other creepy crawlies out and about that can bite or sting you. Ticks and mosquitoes are two which come to mind.

    It is always good to have anti histamines in your cupboard to reduce a reaction but always follow the advice on the bottle, especially with children.

    Most of the time symptoms will go away within a few days, but here is some advice on when to seek medical advice.

    • your symptoms do not start to improve within a few days or are getting worse
    • you've been stung or bitten in your mouth or throat, or near your eyes
    • a large area (around 10cm or more patch of skin) around the bite becomes red and swollen
    • you have symptoms of a wound infection, such as pus or increasing pain, swelling or redness
    • you have symptoms of a more widespread infection, such as a high temperature, swollen glands or flu like symptoms.

    Want to find out more about how to manage minor injuries and illnesses, why not book a first aid course today?

    When to seek help
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